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February & March Industry Events

by alex, added 5 years ago

We’ve scoured the net for some top events and industry happenings over the next couple of months. With a particular trend in tech and digital appearing, it seems as though there’s a nice precursor of inspiring talks across Yorkshire and the North West before the Leeds Digital Festival in April. Take a look at top picks below!

NUX Leeds

Monday 24th February, 6.00pm – 8.00pm

Platform, New Station Street

We all want our teams, products and services to be user-centred, but making that happen consistently, is difficult. We all have our biases and make assumptions, often without realising that’s what we’re doing.

Chris Burns will talk through some of the challenges that he and his team faced whilst working with Team GBs Olympic and Paralympic athletes, coaches and support staff.

He’ll share some of the techniques the team used to deal with difficult stakeholders and their assumptions, how they iterated multiple products quickly and how being user-centred was at the heart of everything they did.

Open Data Collaboration Group

Wednesday 26th February, 10am – 2.30pm

ODI Leeds, 3rd Floor Munro House

The first Open Data Collaboration Group meeting of 2020. A casual meeting of sponsors, local authorities, and other public-facing organisations who want to work together on data challenges.

TechManchester Creative Workshop: Capturing Your Audience

Tuesday 3rd March, 9.30am – 11.30am

UKFast, Birley Fields, Hulme

The workshop will include:

  • Talk delivered by Nick Entwistle discussing his marketing campaigns and how his own personal brand has helped to grow his businesses
  • Speed-networking
  • How to brand yourself & your business and communicate with your customers
  • Q&A session with Nick
  • Quick thinking One Minute Briefs sessions – How to think differently about your brand and how you communicate
  • Developing initial ideas into a quick fire marketing campaign
  • Sharing ideas with each other

UX Crunch: Data Informed Design

Tuesday 3rd March, 6.00pm – 9.00pm

WeWork, Spinningfields, Manchester

A Manchester UX meetup on Design Data. Learn, connect and grow with the UX community at one of the bustling WeWork shared offices.

As Experience Designers, data informs all the decisions made for users, so understanding how to make both qualitative and quantitative data work together is integral to ensuring you’re building products that are coherent with both the user and business needs.

Join UX Crunch in March, as they sit down for another fantastic evening of case studies, insights and networking, all around Data-Informed Design!


  • Giles Airey (Design Director, Inviqa)
  • Iulia Cornigeanu (UX Researcher, On the Beach)
  • TBA (TBA)

Sky Coding Club

Tuesday 10th March, 6.00pm – 8.00pm

Sky 2, Leeds

Sky’s Coding Club is for programmers of any level to work on their own coding projects. We have professional developers on hand to help if needed. We don’t provide a set course or curriculum, but we can suggest a wide range of online resources if you don’t know where to start.

It’s an informal drop-in session, so don’t worry if you’re running late. When you arrive, simply come in, let reception know who you are, and then pick any table and set yourself up. A volunteer will come and say hello. :)

The Northern Business Expo 2020

Tuesday 17th & Wednesday 18th March

Manchester Central

The Northern Business Exhibition is held in Manchester every year and for thousands of business owners, directors, professionals, startup’s and entrepreneurs it is a proven, simple way to stay relevant, get connected and achieve more. It’s now the biggest business event in the North of England, so make sure you don’t miss out!

You’ll find easy steps to enhance and scale your business/career in the seminars and expert advice counters, pick up insider tips and motivation from the keynotes, master vital skills in the workshops, and make significant connections in the networking sessions. It’s on the 17th & 18th March 2020 at Manchester Central, and is free to attend

Glug Leeds: Go Your Own Way

Thursday 19th March, 6.00pm – 9.30pm

Duke Studios, 3 Sheaf Street

Hear the stories, tips and tricks from seasoned creatives and independents who have taken the plunge and made it on their own by starting freelance life or created growing businesses. Learn about how you can take their advice in your own creative life and avoid some of the pitfalls they fell into. You’ll also hear from independent creatives who have decided to re-join the world of full-time employment and what it was like to re-adjust to that life.

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